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December 17, 2011


A favorite tradition as a kid was on Christmas Eve going to grandma's house and having a big dinner with lots of family...then going home to see if Santa had stopped by while we were gone! Good times!
auntgoogoo at hotmail

I shared the giveaway link on my blog FB page!

auntgoogoo at hotmail

Baking cookies with my boys for 20 years now. Yes, they still do it. I think they do it for me. Gotta love those boys. Thank you for a chance. Merry Christmas to you and yours. [email protected]

one of my favorite family traditions is on christmas eve @ my parents house we each take turns putting an ornament that represents our year on a charlie brpwn tree my dad picks up that day. It is fun to see what everyone brings to show about their year !

I shared this link on my facebook page !! Fun fun !

Favorite tradition is getting a new piece for my nativity each year...this year is the bricklayer Benaiah...Fontanini figures. Thank you for the opportunity to win

One of our family's favorite Christmas traditions is getting all the snow people out on the first day of December. All the snowmen, snowwomen, snowchildren, and snowdogs are everywhere. The bathroom alone has 15 snow people! They bring such joy because they are always so very happy and always have a smile for you.
Maria Ball

One of our family traditions is driving around looking at Christmas lights. TFS it is a beautiful prize package.

Favorite trasition is playing old Christmas movies while wrapping gifts and baking.

My husband and I go to downtown Indianapolis on Christmas Eve and walk around the Circle looking at all the lights then have a quiet dinner at Morton's.

wrapping and giving gifts!

My favorite Christmas tradition is the new pajamas I give my boys every Christmas Eve. They are 19 and 22 now, but they still look foward to their new "jammies"!

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