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October 14, 2013


Oh dear! Such sad news. :(

The story of Cord Camera and Scrapbooking goes back further than 1999. Who remembers the four to eight foot section of "scrapbooking" in each store or the "store" at 5th Ave. that was open only on Saturdays? I have been trying to remember the person who ran that "store". Does anybody remember? Who was able to find a new life long friend(s) through a Cord Scrapbook Studio event? I know two people who met in 1998 through a Cord Scrapbook event and now take trips to Disney together. While the idea of Scrapbooking at Cord Camera might have started with two guys (Rich & Denzil)it was Amy who "founded" Cord Scrapbook Studio. While it is sad to hear about the end, I will always have great memories working with two of the best ladies in the business. Amy and Stephanne, thanks for all your help especially trying to show me the ropes at my first CHA show (even though we ALL knew I was beyond help!). There are a lot of other people I should mention (Vicki, Ruthie), but this is for everybody who was involved in Cord Scrapbook Studio, associates and customers both, please remember the positives... the great memories preserved in all those scrapbooks!

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