Someday I should take a picture of the dry erase board here in my office where I have all of the Design Team projects mapped out for posting on the blog. There's so much good stuff to share with you--it's exciting! So without further adieu... here's a few more Basic Grey projects and a little Page-of-the-Month info for you!
"Brothers" Layout by Mary Pat Siehl
Supplies Used:
Basic Grey Plumeria Paper: Budding Lavender, Wild Grape Bistro, Dusk,
Cleopatra, Floweret
Basic Grey Plumeria Cardstock Alphabet Stickers
Basic Grey Plumeria Mixed Brads
Basic Grey Plumeria Cardstock Element Stickers
Basic Grey Plumeria Layered Stickers
Supplies Used:
Basic Grey Plumeria Paper: Floweret, Wild Grape Bistro, Dusk
Basic Grey Plumeria Cardstock Element Stickers
Basic Grey Plumeria Layered Stickers
Basic Grey Plumeria Mixed Brads
Basic Grey Plumeria Cardstock Alphabet Stickers
"My Heart Belongs to My Mon" Layout by Emily Lanham
Supplies Used:
Basic Grey Konnichiwa Paper
Basic Grey Konnichiwa Mixed Brads
"Hi Friend" Card by Emily Lanham
Supplies Used:
Basic Grey Konnichiwa Paper
Basic Grey Konnichiwa Mixed Brads
Special thanks to DT Members Mary Pat Siehl and Emily Lanham for sharing these projects with us! These projects, along with all of the yet-to-be-shared-on-the-blog creations from our Design Team are on display in stores NOW (for a limited time only!) And let me tell you... photos of their cards, layouts and altered designs just don't do these things justice--next time you're in town, stop by to see them all in person!
Also, just a quick note... we are now accepting registration for June's Basic Grey Page of the Month, featuring the PB & J collection! Class takes place Friday, June 29th at 5:30.
You can read more about the Page of the Month (POTM) program and find out what photos & supplies you'll need to create this month's layout here. (This link is updated monthly so you can see past classes, which classes still have kits available and what's coming up for the current month!)
The instructions that come free with each kit will help you complete the project as-shown, even from the comfort of your own scrapbook table at home. But keep in mind that you're not obligated to completing the page exactly as it's done for class! Vicki--our Indianapolis Scrapbooking Coordinator took the same materials provided in the kit (you really do get a good sampling of product) and created this layout instead:
Same product... totally different result, both kits leaving lotsa product leftover for additional cards, layouts or what have you! Kinda nifty, eh?
So anyway... that's some of the "buzz" we've got going on with Basic Grey!